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Mission, Vision, and Student Learning Expectations


St. Ignatius School – Where Falcons Soar in Faith, Academics, and Service.


St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish School, rooted in the MSJ Dominican tradition, is committed to excellence in Catholic education and serves as a place of study, prayer, service, community, and truth.


Saint Ignatius of Loyola Parish School, in close partnership with parents and families, is committed to providing the highest quality Catholic education for all children through innovative, engaging, and creative methods of teaching. At St. Ignatius, the nurturing faculty and staff believe that all students can and will learn. They guide students to become faith-filled Christians and challenge them to develop and share their God-given gifts. The students of St. Ignatius Parish School reach their academic potential and are dedicated people of service who are will prepared to help create life giving futures for themselves and others.



Our school mascot, the falcon, helps students know and remember what they are meant to be.

I am a FALCON!

F  Faith filled christian

A  Articulate communicator

L  Life long learner

C  Creative thinker

O  Outstanding citizen

N  Nurturing individual


Contact Us

St. Ignatius of Loyola School

6025 Monte Vista Street
Los Angeles, CA 90042
Phone: 323-255-6456
Fax: 323-255-0959