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Spiritual Formation

Religious Instruction and Faith Formation

Our Religious Instruction and Faith Formation curriculum adheres to the Archdiocesan Benchmarks and Standards.

Wednesday Weekly Mass

The school community worships together each week on Wednesday mornings. Students discuss, or write, about the homily weekly to deepen their understanding of the scriptures.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Parents are encouraged to take their children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis.

Dominican Family Activities

The students live out the Dominican charism, “To Praise, To Bless, and To Preach,” by participating in Dominican Family Activities throughout the year. Students are placed in family groups, with older students acting as parent leaders. Dominican Families meet regularly to participate in activities that enrich their faith and build community.

Special Liturgical Celebrations

Special Celebrations included Stations of the Cross, May Crowing, and various prayer services. Students pray the rosary together during October & May. The students also participate in Vocation Awareness Week, Respect Life Week, and attend Service for Life Rally each year.

Peace Circle

Teacher monitored, student peer mediators help younger students make peaceful decisions when they encounter a difficult situation. Students meet at the Peace Circle on the playground to discuss their problems. Students are encouraged to be people of peace. 

Daily Prayer

Students pray together as a community every morning and afternoon.


Contact Us

St. Ignatius of Loyola School

6025 Monte Vista Street
Los Angeles, CA 90042
Phone: 323-255-6456
Fax: 323-255-0959

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."- Matthew 19:14