Adult Confirmation Program Attention all adults (20+) who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The parish will begin a nine week Confirmation program for adults who need only the Sacrament of Confirmation starting on Tuesday, 24 September, in both English and Spanish. Come by the Pastoral Center to sign up. Confirmation Mass will be… read more »
Jr. High Parents: Be sure to attend this Catholic High School Information Night with your child. You will be able to meet high school staff and ask questions. It’s not too early to start thinking about high school! Where: St. Thomas More School 2510 South Fremont Ave. Alhambra When: Thursday September 12 6:00-8:00pm For more… read more »
Student Supply Lists for 2019-2020 are now available. Please click on the links below to read or print out. TK Supply List 2019-2020 Kindergarten Supply List 2019-2020 First Grade Supply List 2019-2020 Second Grade Supply List 2019-2020 Third Grade is two pages: Grade 3 Supply List 2019-2020 PAGE 1Grade 3 Supply List 2019-2020 PAGE 2… read more »
What: Community Flea Market When: Saturday, August 3rd, 8am-3pm Where: 6018 Monte Vista Street. Attention: Come to the St. Ignatius Flea Market on August 3rd! Do you have gently used items that you can donate to our school table at the flea market? Your used items can help our school! All money made at the… read more »