Good Morning Falcon Families! Please put Thursday, 9/14/17 on your calendar because… 1) We want to see everyone at the Falcon Family Picnic! It will be this Thursday, 9/14/17, from 6-8. Be sure to sign up for your free photo booth ticket through Eventbrite at 2) Order forms for our delicious In-N-Out lunch are due!!!! Order… read more »
Please click on the link below to read or download Father Edwin’s Weekly Newsletter for September 6th: Fr. Edwin Newsletter September 6 2017 Fr. Edwin also wanted to suggest an online article from the Knights of Columbus regarding Faith and Science. The link to the article can be found below:
Together, we CAN make a difference! We are so proud to announce that our Falcon families and alums raised just over $1000 to send to Texas today. There is still time to donate if you did not have a chance to do so today. We will accept donations through Tuesday. Our school is a sea… read more »