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First Day of School is Wednesday

August 16, 2016 by Website Admin

The first day of school is hours away! Please note the following: Tomorrow the students may wear their casual uniforms. They will need to wear formal uniforms on Wednesdays beginning in September when we start attending Mass.
We will have Morning Assembly on the upper yard this week.
TK and Kinder students need to bring a snack and lunch (or big second snack) to school each day this week. Their lunch time is before noon.
Car line for student drop off will be as usual in the church parking lot. If you’d like to walk in with your child(ren), please park in the Monte Vista lot or on the streets surrounding the school.
Parents are invited to a Welcome Gathering on the patio after Morning Assembly.
School starts at 8AM and will be done at 12:30PM all this week!

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