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Falcon Family Picnic & In-N-Out Lunch day

September 12, 2017 by Website Admin

Good Morning Falcon Families!
Please put Thursday, 9/14/17 on your calendar because…

1) We want to see everyone at the Falcon Family Picnic! It will be this Thursday, 9/14/17, from 6-8. Be sure to sign up for your free photo booth ticket through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/falcon-family-picnic-tickets-37708934438

2) Order forms for our delicious In-N-Out lunch are due!!!! Order forms were sent home last week, but you can open the attachment to print your own and send it in. We have to have a final count by Thursday at 4pm. Please don’t wait-send in your order form tomorrow! All parents and family members are welcome to attend. Please give yourself plenty of time because the students are escorted to the In-N-Out truck in order and you may have to wait a bit while your child’s class is called. If you have several students at school, please let the parent helpers know so they can bring any children from other classes to eat with you and your youngest. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THERE IS NO SCHWARTZ CATERING AVAILABLE THAT DAY. If your child will not be having In-N-Out, please be sure to send him/her with a lunch from home.

Please click below to print IN-N-OUT flyer:

In-N-Out Order Form 2017

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