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Book of Dreams Wish List 2018

April 9, 2018 by Website Admin

You Can Make A Difference!

Maybe you can be a donor, or you know someone who can be a donor. Please take a look at the 2018 Vision of Hope Book of Dreams.
In 2016-2017, the average cost to educate a student in Vision of Hope’s three Bay Area schools was $8,860, and the average cost in the five Los Angeles schools was $4,721.
Tuition and fees covered only 41.6% of the actual cost to educate our children.
Over 90% of students received some form of tuition assistance, while only 10% were able to pay full tuition.

Donors help close the gap between the cost to educate and what families can afford to pay.

This Book of Dreams offers donors the opportunity to address specific needs of our school.

Please click on the link below to read about the Book of Dreams and look over the Saint Ignatius School page.

Book of Dreams 2018

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