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Moving to On Line Instruction

March 13, 2020 by Website Admin

Please read the latest information from St. Ignatius and the LA Archdiocese. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time. We pray all our students and families will remain healthy. Teachers will make final preparations to transition to online learning on Monday. Parents who reserved iPads, whose children were not at school on Friday, or whose teachers did not hand out packets on Friday may pick up work packets and iPads on Monday between 12-3pm. Each child will need a device and internet connection to complete online instruction. If your child needs to borrow an iPad and you did not reserve one earlier this week, please email Mrs. Wade at iwade@stignatiusla.org


To print out this information, please click on the PDFs below:

St. Ignatius Announcement March13 EnglishSt. Ignatius Announcement March 13 SpanishLA Archdiocese COVID-19 Catholic Schools Announcement March 13 EnglishLA Archdiocese COVID-19 Catholic Schools Announcement March 13 Spanish


Announcement March13 English

Announcement March 13 Spanish

COVID-19 Catholic Schools Closure 03132020 FINAL

COVID-19 Catholic Schools Closure 03132020-Spanish Version

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