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Palm Sunday News from Fr. Edwin

March 30, 2020 by Website Admin







Palm Sunday Drive-Thru

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and we will have a drive-thru distribution of the palms between 9am and 11am.  We’ll give you a Sunday bulletin with blessed palms, we’re giving away the missalettes we use at Mass so you can use them at home and there will be a basket for your Sunday envelope.

On the parish website you will be able see Fr. Edwin celebrating the Blessing of the Palms. 


Palm Sunday: the Power of the Passion

Isaiah 50:4-7     Philippians 2:6-11     Matthew 21:1-11, 26:14-27:66

     We all know how transformative love is: cold, hardened and broken hearts find new life!  We celebrate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ (and on Easter his Resurrection) knowing that he suffered through it all out of love for us and for our salvation. 

     May the power of Jesus’ love touch our wounded and sinful hearts and let us be converted and empowered so that we may live as his followers with renewed strength.

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     Although homebound and not able to come together, let us not forget Holy Week is still a week of holiness and prayer.  So, less lounging on the couch, less whining, less video games and less Netflix and more prayer (individual and as a family), reflection, charity and some fasting and abstinence. 

     There is a family home liturgy on our parish website  http://saintignatiusparish.com for you to use for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.  On our website you can find the connection to follow Archbishop Gomez’s Sunday and daily Masses. 

        –Fr. Edwin

Pastoral Center Hours:

Our offices are open seven days a week from 9am until 1pm.  You may call the offices during these hours or come by to drop something off.  We will be closed on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

Coloring page:

Click here to for a coloring page to print: Palm Sunday Coloring Page


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